Why do Jehovah's Witnesses keep track of field service hours?
-because they cop it if they do not, nothing more, nothing less.
(In other words, field service reports are a stick with which to bash the Rank & File with).
i understand that they claim to have the responsibility to preach to every corner of the earth, so they can encourage armageddon to come quickly.
(matthew 24:14 "and this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
what rationale do they have, for keeping track of their hours and literature placements?
Why do Jehovah's Witnesses keep track of field service hours?
-because they cop it if they do not, nothing more, nothing less.
(In other words, field service reports are a stick with which to bash the Rank & File with).
this is and odd topic but there is a part of me that really misses feeling that i knew more about the world than 99.9% of the people.
i spent so many years in school being the odd person because of religion.
i embraced it to some extent.
In answer to your question - no.
i.e. I never ever felt a sense of superiority about what I knew / what I thought I knew.
i'm really interested in this question because i've heard for years that if you forgo further education and go pioneering, when you have a family down the track you will get a good job because jehovah will provide for you because you pioneered.
as long as i was a kool-aid drinker, even then, i thought, "how does pioneering pay your bills?
surely education should come first.
I have said this before, but will say it again for the sake of any "newbies" listening here.
I was prevented from attending university by direct inervention of the elders. Then -- - to compound this, 12 months later, the very same elders made me abandon my apprenticeship that I had just started. Seven years later, I started again as an adult apprentice, only this time I was married, with one dependent child and one other on its way.
At the end of my apprenticeship, my employer offered to sponsor me through the diploma course. However, my wife of the time strongly objected that "the children needed a father." She was quite correct , of course.
Now ... I am several months into the Advanced Diploma course.
I will need this qualification just to retain the position that I have - and which I will need to continue working at for at least the next eight years :
- being one of that age group who wouldl "never grow old in this system" I have #&ck -all in the way of retirement savings.
So .... did I follow the WTS direction on education years ago an end up screwed as a consequence -- you're bloody right I did!
in my plan to exit the jw i thought it would be good if i adhere to another faith group, not cultish as the jw but non trinitarian.. this is decided for the sake of my children (two sons)'s spritual safety.
i researched the internet and in the non trinitarian groups i found these christadelphian.
any idea about this group?.
Just one more group that emerged out of the wreckage of William Miller's failed propheies of 1844.
to be honest i figured until i received some pleasure, enjoyment.
in waking people up on their day off, there was no way i was going.
to pressure anyone else to do the same.
Lisa Rose,
Too true!
The JWs I see in action around here sure look like they are engaged in a "life saving work" - NOT!
(i) Not by the body language they exhibit as they "pioneer shuffle" up somebody's driveway, making it plain they desperately hope nobody is going to be home. That way, they can put in the appearance of being "out in service, without actually having to speak to anybody!
(ii) Not by the way they will walk right past - and without speaking to - a person in the street, only to go in and knock on the door of an (often) empty house.
It is a good thing for Joe Publisher that this "End of the World" the GB insist is going to happen "soon" hasn't eventuated:
-otherwise they would all get the boot (from the top down) for sounding a very ineffective warning!
to be honest i figured until i received some pleasure, enjoyment.
in waking people up on their day off, there was no way i was going.
to pressure anyone else to do the same.
If it is a lifesaving work, then they ought to start using more effective warning methods than door knocking. A few pointers could be taken from the emergency services around here, from the way in which the recent bushfires were handled:
- Bushfire warnings firstly issued by radio and television broadcasts.
- Then the final evacuation orders issued from the loud hailers on the emergency service vehicles.
One can only be thankful that the emergency services didn't attempt to rely on door knocking to get bushfire victims out of the way of the flames!
Of course, if it is not after all a "lifesaving" work, then why bother at all?
to be honest i figured until i received some pleasure, enjoyment.
in waking people up on their day off, there was no way i was going.
to pressure anyone else to do the same.
The only time I felt good about field service was when it was over.
Agreed - and the bloody same for assemblies, too!
page 12 of the january 1,1989 wt original magazine paragraph 8 ends with the statement that the apostle paul's missionary activity laid a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th century.".
(a subtle prophecy that 'the end' will come by the year 2000 a.d.).
this sentence is changed in the bound volume reprint to read "a work that would be completed in our day.
I well remember the interest aroused by that remark in the January 1 1989 WT:
- bloody fools that we all were!
he's been to my door a couple of times as they've done the territory and said hello and all that, a nice, clean-shaven version of santa clause.
he was with a sister, a mild, pleasant intelligent sister with whom i always got on well, and we had a bit of a simple pleasantries-exchanging chat while my husband ran off and hid in the house like he normally does when jws come.. we got onto the sister's university studies and i said, "but at the dc they lumped university education in with fornication and every terrible thing!".
shaved santa pipes up suddenly, "oh, you're not meant to take that seriously.
It seems to me that those longtime JWs - i.e the ones who have stuck with the religion - are the ones like the "shaved Santa" fellow you just described.
They may do lip service to the more extreme demands of the GB, but in practice use their judgement and common sense about such matters. Just the same, I don't know how those - again like "shaved Santa" - who are elders fare when they are "counselling" others about such things university education. Do they warn others not to, but then send their own children to uni?
There is a word to describe such actions - and it is not avery pleasant one!
when i was an elder, i had a few couples approach me to confess that they either played around or went all the way.. i suspect there were many more that did not admit to it, though..
- I would make that MYOBB!